The Burlington Oldtimers Hockey Club is 1,200+ members strong, for players aged 35 and over, living in Burlington, Ontario. We accept new members from Burlington and surrounding area any time during the year. This is the BOHC's 48th season, founded in 1975 as a safe place for aging hockey players to enjoy the game they love.

What makes BOHC better than other Hockey Clubs?


The Most Hockey

50 game playing season, PLUS Divisional Championship games broadcast on local Cogeco Cable TV (when Cogeco is participating).

34 minute stop time games to maximize playing time.

Balanced Play

Play in the division that is right for you.

Eight playing divisions of six teams, based on playing ability and skills with full divisional team drafts every season (no team carry-overs).

Annual player ratings to determine skill level and which division you will play in.

Team balancing at the 10 game mark to keep the division competitive.

A place to meet new friends

Our annual player drafts ensure you meet hundreds of players, not just 15.

We have our own private licensed lounge (we call Hector’s) with 7 TVs.

Two divisional ‘Pub Nights’ throughout the year and social activities such as Euchre and Darts Nights, Lobsterfest, Christmas Dance, Awards Nights, "Hockey Night in Canada".

Part of the Community

Our volunteer spirit extends out to the community.

We help the Burlington Santa Claus Parade, provide an annual food drive thanks to our BOWSER Ladies' collection nights, and donate to local charities -  thanks to all the players that give.

Well Run, by the Members

Dozens of members volunteer their professional skills to make the club the cheapest and best run hockey league possible. 

Our Elected Board of Directors manage BOHC’s $600,000 annual budget

Each Division has its own Convenors and Pool Player Convenors – equal playing time for all.

We have paid referees and timekeepers and our Discipline Committee helps with those very few (usually new members) that don’t quite ‘get it’ yet.