The Hector Award

This Award was established to recognize a member of the Burlington Oldtimers Hockey Club who has given unselfishly of their time and energy off the ice to help enrich the true spirit of participation and camaraderie so unique to Oldtimers.

2024 - Peter Austin

Peter Austin

2020 - BOWSER Babes (Michele Wood, Louise Addison, Johanne Patterson, Barb Charron, Carolyn Park & Pat Broadbent)

2019 - Peter Greig

2018 - Bruce Marsh

2017 - Rick Fox

2016 - Dave Langdon

Complete Listings:

2024 - Peter Austin

2020 - BOWSER Babes (Michele Wood, Barb Charron, Louise Addison, Carolyn Park, Pat Broadbent & Johanne Patterson)

2019 - Peter Greig

2018 - Bruce Marsh

2017 - Rick Fox

2016 - Dave Langdon

2009 - Frank McKeown

2004 - Bob Wood

2003 - Dan Regimbal

2002 - Jerry Robson

2001 - Rolly & Barb Charron