BOHC News - March

3/12/2025 1:19:47 PM

Final BOWSER Weekend!

Donate for a chance to WIN LEAFS Tickets!

All you have to do is bring a food item or financial donation to BOWSER at the rink on Sunday 16th or Monday 17th, and the BOWSER Ladies will enter your name into the draw. They will keep track of names of all players (BOHC members) who participate.

Thursday, April 17, (7pm) vs Detroit Red Wings

We would like to thank our BOHC Sponsor (Melissa and Bryan Uba) for donating the Leafs tickets and working with the BOWSER Ladies to help increase donations to the Food Bank. The BOWSER Ladies will be at the rinks this coming weekend so bring food items if you can and enter to win! If it's easier for you - you can also e-transfer a donation to Bowser at

Ten Most Needed Items

The Burlington Food Bank - This is the current list of most needed items...


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BOHC Summer

Registration for our Summer Hockey season is now open!

If you are not familiar with BOHC Summer Hockey, we have 12 teams (each made up of players from all 8 divisions) playing 22 games from the first week of May through the first week of September, with almost all games on Wednesday nights.  There are no standings and no playoffs, but there is a tonne of fun to be had meeting players from all other divisions.

To be eligible to play 2025 Summer Hockey you must be a member in good standing and registered for the upcoming 2025-26 Winter season (fulltime or pool) 
Summer Registration closes Tuesday April 1st 5pm and Summer Hockey starts the first week of May.   Winter registration does not open until Summer registration closes and is completely separate from the Summer process.

FULLTIME Summer Registration:

Those who were fulltime summer players last year and are members in good standing may register for fulltime online.  All other members in good standing can register for the pool online and in that process check that you would like fulltime if available.

  1. Fee is $350.00 payable in full by credit card (online only).
  2. Fulltime registration will close Tuesday April 1st 5:00 PM,
  3. Fulltime spots will be filled first by those who were fulltime last Summer season, then by overall club seniority up to April 1.
  4. Online registration - LOG-IN FIRST using your username (or create an account), then register for summer, but please note that ONLY players who finished the prior Summer’s season as fulltime will be fully registered as received, all others will be on hold until the deadline.
  5. After April 1st the remaining fulltime spots will be filled by those who registered for the pool AND checked ‘would like fulltime if available’ by a selection process to ensure team parity.

POOL Summer Registration:

  1. You can register at any time (there is no deadline) online, and there is no fee to register for the pool.
  2. All Summer Pool players pay $20 per game (skaters & goalies).
  3. It is very important that we know the quickest and best method to contact pool players.  Email is preferred, but we do our best to accommodate players who prefer text, cell phone, home phone or office phone as well.

Every applicant must accept the waiver online.
If you are interested in being a Summer captain, please email me at

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BOHC Blood Drive

Hey BOHC members, we’ve been asked to help out with the hockey gives blood initiative to help the Canadian Blood service reach their goals. Follow the directions to join the team and make your donation at your convenience between March 3 to 16th #hockeygivesblood

Follow the directions to join the team here:

Simply, create an account and then search for team BOHC
Select “Partners” from the menu, then “join an existing team” and search BOHC - Burlington Oldtimers Hockey Club

Rob Rabey
Director of Events -

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Hectors is Open!

Hector’s will be open right through the round robin as well as every Thursday afternoon for daytime hockey.

Mark Buchanan
VP Administration -

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The Best Timekeepers!

Just wanted to say THANK YOU to Mike Sebok for doing such an amazing job managing the Timekeepers schedule this season. You do a fantastic job for us all and even cover yourself when faced with cancellations.

Timekeepers Chair
Mike Sebok

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Thank You to Our Sponsors

Our 49th season BOHC Sponsors proudly support Canada's largest and foremost Oldtimers Hockey League. By championing the BOHC, it not only bolsters our community spirit but also plays a vital role in maintaining affordable member fees while significantly contributing to our annual support for the Carpenter Hospice. Thank you for helping us out!

For over 20 years The Gardener has been proudly servicing Burlington, Stoney Creek and the surrounding area. Our goal has always been to provide a professional service with outstanding quality, resulting in complete customer satisfaction

Jim Edmonds - The Gardener Landscaping

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Ideally situated in North Burlington, Ontario, Heritage Place Retirement Residence is set within the beautiful community of "The Village of Walker's Green." Join us for a tour of Burlington's best independent living residence, and experience first hand why we are the best choice for your best years! Contact Astra at 905-315-2580


Many of our BOHC sponsors would welcome support from our members and it would go a long way to show how much we appreciate the dollars spent by the advertisers each year.

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