About The Pool


The pool may look like it has a lot of players, and your odds of getting a call are slim, but this is not usually the case. Generally speaking there are two kinds of pool players - those that have joined the season after the league filled all teams, and those who do not wish to play full time.

Some members jobs or family commitments would have them miss so many games they choose to play in the pool. It is these same people who often have to turn down offers to play pool games for the exact same reason. So,  even though there may be 30 guys in the pool, there may only be 5 or 6 people available on a given evening.

If a member in the Pool is going to be unable to play for an extended period of time (i.e. an injury), they can be assigned to the Inactive Pool until they are ready to play again.

Active Pool

Name Member ID
Guillaume Boulanger (G) 4736
Brett Harding (G) 5181
Robert Hatje (G) 5191
Tom Herauf (G) 4451
Brandon MacDonald (G) 5070
Mark Ramsay (G) 3129
Paolo Zulian (G) 5198
Mitchell Baldissarelli 5107
James Blake 4973
Greg Braniff 5064
Paul Buchan 5133
Paul Chan 4505
Patrick Cocklin 2085
Chris Continenza 5153
Jeff Coolich 5190
Rich Cromie 5137
Dan Dexel 3414
Paul Dunsford 4526
Grant Fraser 2650
Troy German 5120
Scott Hamilton 4689
Paul Hasselfeldt 4658
Andrew Henry 4724
Dene Hodgins 3472
Kevin Kelner 4185
David Lockhart 3142
Paul McKenna 4042
David Morelli 2034
Darren Naismith 4131
Ryan Neufeld 3867
Matthew Prisciak 4487
Glenn Stelpstra 3422
Brad Switch 5144
Trevor Taylor 5127
John Yaremko 5123

Inactive Pool

Name Member ID
Richard Alvarez 4215
Jamie Brown 2890
Christopher Clementoni 5224
Tim Evans 3999
Dave Irwin 5125
Brett Morris 4087