About The Pool


The pool may look like it has a lot of players, and your odds of getting a call are slim, but this is not usually the case. Generally speaking there are two kinds of pool players - those that have joined the season after the league filled all teams, and those who do not wish to play full time.

Some members jobs or family commitments would have them miss so many games they choose to play in the pool. It is these same people who often have to turn down offers to play pool games for the exact same reason. So,  even though there may be 30 guys in the pool, there may only be 5 or 6 people available on a given evening.

If a member in the Pool is going to be unable to play for an extended period of time (i.e. an injury), they can be assigned to the Inactive Pool until they are ready to play again.

Active Pool

Name Member ID
J.j. Fitzpatrick (G) 5187
Matthew Giles (G) 5194
Trevor Hallett (G) 5197
Krister Bagnkop 5074
Chris Bedini 1436
Roland Boutette 3688
Eric DeMille 5171
Joe DeOliveira 5065
Arthur Ing 3587
Gareth Jones 4566
Wayne Jones 4814
Jamie Mitchell 5104
Kevin O'Connor 5175
Jeremy Olsen 5135
Dennis Yap-Lin Pang 4391
Bob Roberts 3636
Ken Russell 2357
Bob Smith 132
Roger Starr 2197
Vince Taguchi 2579
Eric Vandewall 5138
John Walker 5148
Jordan Wardrop 5172
John Wintrip 1648

Inactive Pool

Name Member ID
Frazer Balfour 3006
Brian Blume 1691
Morris Bradley 1060
Chris Carver 2336
Dean Cormack 753
Don Cowan 3532
John J. Crosato 1377
Neil Donaldson 241
Greg Douglas 2814
Ron Gardner 1121
Gunther Kaschuba 1551
Joe Kavanaugh 208
Michael Kitchen 2059
Gunther Mammel 741
Glenn Miller 1560
Gerald Park 32
Bob Parnaby 912
Bill Reiach 1517
Paul Rozon 1018
Steve Scully 514
Russ Snyder 225